Zestlogic Systems Private Limited

  • Mon - Sat: 9.00 am - 7.00 pm

AIML Development EVK Kit With LTE

XENO+ WiFi+BLE SOM (System-On-Module) is a solderable module and used for building intelligent and secure IoT devices for applications such as smart lighting, smart tracking, and industrial automation. The XENO+ WiFi+BLE module integrates WiFi/BLE modem and ARM Cortex-M23 MCU for IoT Application software along with NDP120 Neural Decision Processor (Optional). This integration brings together AI and deep learning capabilities with WiFi/BLE connectivity, unlocking unparalleled opportunities for innovation in the IoT ecosystem. By leveraging the intelligent compute, and wireless connectivity features of the XENO+ WiFi+BLE module, customers can accelerate the development of their IoT smart lighting, smart tracking, and industrial automation products. With the freedom to focus solely on adding sensors and their unique value proposition, customers can expedite their product development while ensuring optimal security and performance.

The XENO+ WiFi+BLE module is packaged with InnoPhase IoT Ultra low power WiFi b/g/n and BLE5.0 connectivity with LR, 2M PHY and Extended advertising in single antenna for both WIFi and BLE.

The module has smallest possible size with secure IoT MCU of Nuvoton ARM Cortex-M23 Trust Zone series MCU @ 96MHz, 1MB Flash, 256KB SRAM, UART/SPI/I2C ports and GPIOs. This module has USB Type C based 5V Power input with serial debug port and Battery power input options. This module has 3 pin SWD pins for SW development and SW debug via Eclipse/KEIL IDE for Embedded SW development for the device by the users. This module is suitable for Trusted Execution Environment(TEE) with Trusted Applications(TAs).The key security features are,

  • Tamper – resistant key storage in Flash and SRAM,
  • TrustZone for Armv8 – M Technology,
  • 8 regions MPU_NS(for normal world) and 8 regions MPU_S(for secure world),
  • Hardware Crypto Accelerators(AES, ECC and RSA), CRC calculation unit,
    Up to 6 tamper detection pins and
  • ARM Platform Security Architecture(PSA Certified Level 2 / Level 3) supported.

This module optionally has Syntiant NDP120 neural decision processor that runs multiple Audio and Sensor ML applications simultaneously with minimal power consumption. The NDP120 is designed to natively run multiple Deep Neural Networks (DNN) on a variety of architectures, such as CNNs, RNNs and fully connected networks up to 256 layers. The NDP120’s Audio-0 (AUD0) port can be interfaced with PDM Mics for running Audio ML classification applications using this module. The Audio-1 (AUD1) can be interfaced with additional PDM/I2S Mics and I2C can be interfaced with any sensors for time-series data ML classification requirements.